Fashion knows no bounds. Body piercing is an art that can be traced back to centuries. Ear piercing is an important form. Men and women, both wear earrings, alike. However, you may always like to sport earrings at almost all possible points on your ears. But, it is not possible for you to get your ears pierced everywhere. There are several varieties of non-pierced earrings which are quiet famous these days.
Let us have a quick look at these earrings.
Magnetic earrings – These earrings resemble stud earring. These come with a stud on the front side along with a magnetic back. The magnet keeps the earring in place.
The versatile earrings: Body piercing jewelry such as the barbells and captive bead rings are all gaining popularity among the youth.
Captive bead rings – These earrings (CBR) are also sometimes called as ball-closure rings. These are primarily used for body piercings such as the eyebrow piercing. It is a circular ring with a small bead closing the tiny gap.
Plugs – The short cylindrical pieces of jewelry are the earplugs. Plugs are available with flared ends and with rubber rings that help to keep the plugs in place.
Barbells - Barbells are narrow and straight piercing jewelry with a small bead permanently fixed at one end and threaded at the other end. Barbells with internal threads are more popular.
Circular Barbells – They are quiet similar to captive bead rings and have a gap larger than the CBR. Circular barbells have a bead which is attached at one end along with a threaded bead on the other end.
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