Monday, March 29, 2010

NYS Unemployment Sky-High

The New York State unemployment is rising day by day. Millions of labors and workers were literally given a kick off from their job after the recession giant hit numerous companies. Several giant organizations filed for bankruptcy which in turn led to discontinuation of the task of their employees.

The New York State unemployment is rising day by day. Millions of labors and workers were literally given a kick off from their job after the recession giant hit numerous companies.

“The recession is being faced at both national and the Capital Region level thus the young people of the United States are experiencing the most painful problem i.e. unemployment,” said Commissioner. “The problem has skyrocketed and the estimates at the national level suggest that the ratio of unemployment among the youth is over 21 percent. Similarly the recent Census data reveals that at local level the rate is nearly 20 percent.”

These arrests are a direct result of a Labor Department program that emphasizes improved detection of fraud through data matching, more proactive investigations and better coordination with local law enforcement and prosecution agencies.

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