Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Spring Key Accessories: Butterflies And Yellow Skirt Ballerinas

Spring Key Accessories: Butterflies And Yellow Skirt Ballerinas

Flowers in bloom all around us, isn’t it time we get into the spring-ish wardrobe? Or maybe just get a tiny spring makeover for the new season? A token of your fashappreciation for the sun’s increasing generosity?
It’s been more than a week since I began wearing flowers in my hair and it feels so good! Now look at these two images below and tell me you can resist the impulse of spring-ify your look! A little butterfly attached to a otherwise gray, ordinary hat and a fancy Prada earring in the shape of a gracefulballerina wearing a yellow skirt? Gorgeous!
Yellow skirt ballerina Prada earrings Shala Monroque

Orange Butterfly on a gray hat

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